20 Apr IoEnergy Helps New York Clients Tap Con Edison Rebates to Finance Efficiency Upgrades
When You Work with IoEnergy, We Take Care of Everything
Energy efficiency is on just about every building owner’s mind these days – as it should be. An efficient building is a profitable building. But, while there are many types of efficiency improvements, building owners are wise to begin with lighting upgrades for a couple of reasons:
- Lighting efficiency upgrades, including replacing old lights with LED luminaries and installing sensor networks deliver some of the highest return on investment in the fastest time.
- Lighting efficiency upgrades not only lower energy expenditures but they also lower building maintenance and, often, HVAC costs, as well.
- Lighting efficiency upgrades are eligible for utility rebates that can cover a significant portion of the cost of installation.
One utility investing heavily in helping clients retrofit older lighting systems for efficiency is Con Edison. As a utility recognized by the Smart Electric Power Alliance for their commitment to decarbonization and clean energy, Con Edison is aggressively changing its operations to renewables, energy storage, and high efficiency gas and electric operations for all its commercial and residential customers. In fact, part of that commitment is to triple its energy efficiency programs by 2025, with Con Edison rebates likely to remain front and center within those programs.
The Funding is There, But Where Do You Start?
What portfolio or facility owner doesn’t want to take advantage of free money in order to make building improvements? It’s a no brainer, but many building owners are missing out on the huge financial opportunities present in utility rebate programs, because they simply don’t know where to start. That’s because evaluating a building for project potential takes more than a facility plant manager’s understanding of building systems – it also takes an expert knowledge about rebates, the application process, timelines, deadlines, qualifying systems, and modern building automation.
Without efficiency expertise, business owners could be leaving big money on the table—but it doesn’t have to be that way, because experts like IoEnergy are standing by and ready to help. Call today to find out more, 831-298-0048.
Con Edison Rebates – A Big Opportunity for Those in the Know

The Con Edison Commercial & Industrial Energy Efficiency Program applies to electric and gas efficiency projects and provides rebate opportunities that can cover upwards of 70% of total project costs. These rebates apply to equipment replacement, and to custom projects that are not included under the equipment replacement umbrella. And while equipment replacement can seem fairly straightforward, the custom projects opportunity is a bit vague. This is why it helps to have an efficiency expert on your side.
When evaluating Con Edison Rebate efficiency partners, keep the following tips in mind.
Energy Efficiency Experts Understand Modern Building Technology
While it’s true you could swap your old light fixtures for new high efficiency LED’s on your own, take the rebate and call it a day, that strategy could have you missing out on major ROI opportunities. These days, lighting is the backbone of modern building systems. Sensor integration upgrades can help control and reduce energy usage related to everything from HVAC to occupancy. A quality building efficiency expert knows the projects that deliver cross-system efficiency improvements and also knows which will qualify for the custom project rebate.
New York-Specific Energy Efficiency Experts Understand Con Edison Rebates
It’s not enough just to know about modern building management and building energy efficiency. An energy efficiency expert also must be well versed in the particulars of the rebates in a building’s specific utility area. This includes:
- Qualifying Projects
- Qualifying Equipment
- Utility Rebate Territories
- Rebate Deadlines
- Rebate Project Completion and Evaluation Timelines

Energy Efficiency Experts Have Proven Experience in A-Z Project Execution
In addition to rebate experience and building systems expertise, a quality energy efficiency expert also needs to be able to run your project from inception to completion. Because the projects involve so many moving parts and financing decision that often need to come from the C-suite, they are typically not projects that can be segmented in terms of management.
To get the most value out of the project, you need to be sure that paperwork is filled out correctly, application deadlines are met, timelines are kept, materials and labor are managed to coincide with the on-paper requirements of the job, and on-site occupant business is not interrupted. This is the efficiency expert’s job, and when evaluating prospective partners, you should expect nothing less.
IoEnergy Provides Total Project Oversight, Management and Installation from Start to Finish
Here at IoEnergy, we’ve been helping New York building owners improve their efficiency for more than a decade. We understand the specifics and the potential of Con Edison rebates and we’ve helped New York building owners save millions of kilowatt-hours annually, which translates into millions of dollars in energy costs savings that can be pocketed or used to offset the costs of future building upgrades.
IoEnergy Does It All
- Facility Site Audit
- Project Opportunity Identification
- Con-Edison Rebate Application Management
- Includes All Supporting Paperwork, Inspections, Etc.
- Other Additional Incentive Identification and Management
- Project Engineering
- Materials and Labor Management and Oversight
- Timelines and Deadline Management
Don’t leave money on the table that could translate into millions of dollars in cost savings over time. If you’re a building owner considering an upgrade, the time is now – these incentives won’t be around forever.